A strong support system in place, if you don't have one seek one out! It's one the best tools of recovery. The foundation you must have like solid concrete. Lean on it when you need relief, and use it. The whole point of having a sponsor in AA is someone to talk to when you're thinking of relapsing, or just to connect with someone who can help. Now if you get a sponsor and don't call them, you're not doing it right.
Having a support system means using your support system. Their will be times when you feel like the last thing you want to do is call someone up. Call anyway. Odds are if they're your friend they'll care and be supportive, even if they don't know quite what to say.
Cultivate your support system. Find out who you can call that you trust and can confide in. Take the time to seek these people out. You're not alone, and if you think you are and read this just now. Email me. I'd be more than happy to respond.
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