To: Fernando Torres
Hola SeƱor Torres. Mi llamo David. Yo empezo mirando futbol cuando tienia pocos anos…
It was some years after I grew up that I first heard of "El Nino." People talked about a new player who was young, skillful, and the toast of Spain. I admit I had no knowledge of your career until I began watching soccer again this year, but to my surprise, the person I heard whispers about all these years was apparently not doing well. I heard coverage of Chelsea matches, and read stories about how you were not in the graces of your fans, that your career was virtually over, and that you have been offered up to other clubs.
Perhaps that's just the way of professional sports, that when you're down the people are on you, and when you're up they love you, but it didn't seem right to me.
When I was 21 I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a form of mental illness that some people never recover from. I was told I would have put my dreams on hold, because the illness severely affects ones ability to function, handle stress, and make decisions. It has proved challenging living with my illness, and everyday I have to choose: to recover. Now this isn't going to be a letter about how it has made me stronger, it's about the person I am today and the things I've overcome, and where my journey has taken me.
You see every journey takes a course which we can't predict. It's hardly ever a linear path to our peak, and then to greatness. Lives take strange and unpredictable courses, involve changes, and stray from the course which we'd have liked to stay on. With my illness I never could have imagined facing such a challenge, but even during the dark days I held on to hope that I would get better. My life is better today, but not perfect. I did by keeping hope alive, and following my passions like: writing, painting, skateboarding, studying etc.. it has given me confidence and strength to move forward, but it has not changed one fact: our lives are constantly moving in some direction, but not always where we want to be. But if we can stick to what we're passionate about, and what makes us feel good, then we have the answer.
I don't know if your passion is futbol, but if it is, do it, and do it because it's what you want, and because it's what makes you feel good. Do it for your own health. It's a game people adore, and scrutinize til the last play, and I know people have questioned if your hearts in it, but that doesn't matter if your passionate about doing it, and playing it, because it's what makes you feel good… it doesn't matter what situation we find ourselves in. We can always play, and I can always write. Futbol will always be there, and if it's your passion, then you have something great and precious you should never let go of.
I wish you best of luck