I think I'll start updating this blog again. I don't know if anybody is out there reading this, and I don't really care, but I'm going to try to inform you on the subject of mental illness to the best of my ability.
I harp on work as the foundation of stability. Now I realize not everyone can work. If you can't, then I don't know what to say. In my case without work I get sucked into my emotions. I can feel shitty all day with nothing to pull me out of the dumps. I mean a phone call to someone is great, but when it's over if you're just going to hang out on the couch and stare out the window... biding your time til the next thing presents itself I think you're going to need help.
When to-do lists don't cut it what do you turn to? I could make all these little suggestions... like balance your life out. Apply attention to whatever is important to you, but still without a job you're going to get complacent. I would say the next best alternative to not working is volunteering. Yes.
If you can muster up the energy to to a google search and find out about a food pantry that'd be awesome. A soup kitchen. A red cross blood drive. etc...
So I guess my opinion on the issue of working is, if you can't work VOLUNTEER.
I found the link to your blog on the psychcentral forums. I am the mother of a 24 year old daughter who has been in and out of hospitals for schizoaffective disorder. I love your suggestions on things she can do to help herself. When she gets out of the hospital, I am definitely hoping she will visit your blog as well.