Thursday, January 31, 2013

celebrity schizophrenics

Graham March a.k.a. "Desimal" was a musician who made highly original drum 'n bass music. Desimal was a schizophrenic. Here is a site that includes his music, artwork. He is an inspiration as a fan of his music, and in part of what he accomplished despite his illness. His dates are 1980-2006.

The site was constructed by a friend it looks like.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

what we are.

Survivors, plain and simple. It would do well to remember how far we've come, and how some haven't made it. Some didn't, and it's no fault of theirs. We all trace a difficult path. Let's celebrate the fact we're alive, and remember those who've lost their battle. Whether you know someone, heard a story, or felt compelled to put the mentally ill in your prayers. Let their memory fuel our own recovery.

(N) Survivor:

1.) Someone or something that still exists after an event that could have killed or destroyed them.
2.) "I'm a survivor -  a living example of what people can go through and survive."
3.) A person who has overcome the odds, and lived on where others were lost. A person who has seen hell, and tenaciously keeps moving on. A person who has exhibited heroism.

We are survivors. Let's go.

Monday, January 28, 2013

work harder, think smarter

so as people with mental illnesses we're faced with the reality of trying to make something of our lives. now some of us feel just coping is a full-time job, but it's one life to lead, but ok, there are some things we can do about this:

1.) Balance Wheel (how to create one!)
This is a great visual aid that shows you as a complete person. It also reminds you how you need to allot your time in order to feel like the many sides of your life are in harmony. It's perfect for making you feel like your life is in order, and its effects are not limited to mood improvements. I love my goddamn balance wheel, though I neglect it too often.

2.) Optimism
An interesting idea, but a certainly good one. Optimism is a program designed for recovery. Rate your moods everyday. Identify your triggers. Track sleep. A lot of stuff going on here. I've toyed with it, and I like it. Now if only I didn't neglect using it. This is all about learning how your illness works, and education is a solid, always. Also easily customizable to all your symptoms.

3.) Video Log
I use a mac, and I've been doing this for a little while. Short videos on how my day went covering the interesting parts, and what i need to do, how i feel about things. The most useful aspect actually was to be able to visually see how stressed i was, and how heavy things were weighing on my mind. Try a video long, see where it takes you!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Higher Power

I've come across this in AA, and different self-help literature. They all point to something which is... we need to find our higher power. I believe in the power of the human spirit. I believe in the ability for human beings to overcome difficult obstacles in life. I believe when they tell you you're going to be ill your whole life, and in and out of hospitals, that it's false. I choose not to the believe that. I choose to believe we are human-beings on a journey that takes dips, gets off track, comes back around, and continues on in a kind of funky dance with stability. But, we are propelled all the while by the human spirit. We are all resilent people. People with mental illnesses are some of the toughest people to ever walk the earth. Even when they're crying out to be helped, and at their worst we pull through... driven by the human spirit, and the belief that we are going to get better. that life improves. that with work we can overcome our situation, and live a life that feels good. have some happiness, and some of what we desire.

my higher power is a kind of faith in people, and their ability to overcome. what's yours?


Now I think that complacency is a big thing for people of all types, but especially the mentally ill. Getting complacent sitting like a brick as the day winds closer and closer to its end, only to repeat the process for days and days is no good.

Now here's a question, what have you done for you lately? No matter what our condition we are entitled to give ourselves pleasure. We need it.

Go for a walk
Discover some new music
Drink a new type of soda or other beverage
Cook something you've never tried before
Drive the car around and look at the scenery
Write in your journal
Take a long hot shower
Make plans with a friend, or if you don't have friends go to the supermarket and try and converse with strangers. Who knows... it might be good practice for you
Smell the fruit at supermarket. Oranges are my favorite.
Go for a bike ride
Pick up a musical instrument and just make sounds (who cares if you can't play, make some noise)
Go shopping
Research something your interested in (knowledge can be so refreshing)

etc... you get the idea

I think a little pleasure in our lives can go a long way. We forget in our torment that there's good feelings to be had. It's never more important than when you are at your worst to find pleasure even if it's in the most little minuet way. It can be the difference. So plan a little pleasure in your day. It may be just what you need.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

stigma is killer man! wow. imagine a world where people leap up to help, instead of you dreading revealing anything. imagine sharing yourself completely and having people understand, instead of expecting to be misunderstood as a fucking crazy. the thing that irks me is we're the people that need a boost and a little help, a little understanding the most since we've been dealt a shitty hand. yet the reality is we can barely reach out because we can't talk. we are mutes about our illnesses. i bet healing could come in waves were we able to reveal and talk about stuff. i'm so stifled at times. i censor myself. i hide. i sink. it's a terrible thing. we need to educate. for real.