Friday, February 22, 2013

Here's a good idea. The next time you're feeling blue, or need a pick up write down a list of your accomplishments. I have mine next to my bed to consult when things get low, or especially when people put me down; because we always have to deal with that asshole at work, or that person or family member that tells you to just get over yourself... etc...

You can start easy.
I've gotten up at a regular hour in the morning for the last....
I've taken care of my personal hygiene for the last....
I've been regularly working at developing this skill....
I've held down a job for the last...

If you've got stuff your proud of write it down. Keep it where you can see it.
It doesn't matter how small it is, if your proud of it and you think reminding yourself of it is worthwhile write it down. This is not the kind of activity you want to compare yourself with others to. This is about you, and what you are proud of accomplishing.

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